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[OtherTurbo C 2.0 设置详解

Description: Turbo C 2.0 设置详解。是对微软的Turbo C 2.0 软件进行设置的详细说明。-Detailed Explain the seting of Turbo C 2.0,its a detailed explanation of Microsoft Turbo C 2.0.
Platform: | Size: 955699 | Author: 苏宛新 | Hits:

[SourceCode扫雷游戏Turbo C版 源码

Description: 这是一款Turbo C版的扫雷游戏源码,纯C语言编写
Platform: | Size: 109245 | Author: yilun96211@sina.com | Hits:

[EditorTurbo c 2.1

Description: 著名的C语言编辑器- Renowned C language editor
Platform: | Size: 958464 | Author: 王八 | Hits:

[Education soft system学生管理.c

Description: 一个简单的turbo c的学生管理的源程序-a simple turbo c of the source code of student management
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 徐南 | Hits:

[GUI Developturbo c 2.0

Description: 我用TURBO C2.0编写的一个汉诺塔游戏-prepared by a C2.0 HANOR game
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李 宁 | Hits:

[BooksTurbo C 2.0使用指南

Description: Turbo C 2.0使用指南-Turbo C 2.0 User's Guide
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: Ninstein | Hits:

[Booksturbo c 2.0 函数中文说明大全

Description: turbo c 2.0 函数中文说明大全,比较详细介绍了C函数-turbo function Chinese explanation Daquan, a detailed comparison of C function
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: 虚空 | Hits:

[OtherTurbo C 2.0编译错误信息一览

Description: c编程中界面编译错误信息的详细说明,有助初学者编程时借鉴-c programming interface compiler error message the detailed descriptions will help beginners learn from Programming
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 李想 | Hits:

[OS DevelopTURBO C 文件管理器及其源码

Description: turbo c 编写的文件管理器。有源程序。-paper prepared by the manager. A source.
Platform: | Size: 33792 | Author: tang | Hits:

[File FormatTurbo C 2.0 函数中文说明大全系列

Description: Turbo C 2.0 函数中文说明大全系列-Turbo C 2.0 Functions Chinese explanation Encyclopaedia Series
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: | Hits:

[OtherTurbo C 2.0 设置详解

Description: Turbo C 2.0 设置详解。是对微软的Turbo C 2.0 软件进行设置的详细说明。-Detailed Explain the seting of Turbo C 2.0,its a detailed explanation of Microsoft Turbo C 2.0.
Platform: | Size: 955392 | Author: 苏宛新 | Hits:


Description: 基础篇 1.1 Turbo C语言概述 1.2 C语言的特点 1.3 Turbo C 概述 1.4 Turbo C 2.0的安装和启动 1.5 Turbo C 2.0集成开发环境的使用 1. 数据类型、变量和运算符 2.  数据类型 3. 关键字和标识符 4.  变量 5.  运算符 Turbo C 程序设计初步 1.1 输入输出函数及控制流程语句 1.2 文件的输入输出函数 1.3 控制流程语句 指针、结构、联合和枚举 结构(struct) 联合(union) 枚举(enum) 函数 -Turbo C 1.1 1.2 C language outlined the characteristics outlined in Turbo C 1.3 Turbo C 1.4 2.0 1.5 installed and launched Turbo C 2.0 integrated development environment using a. Data types, variables and Operators 2. three types of data. four keywords and identifiers. five variables. Operators Turbo C 1.1 preliminary design process input-output function and control flow statement 1.2 file input and output functions of the control flow statement 1.3 indicators, structure , the joint enumeration and structure (struct), the joint (union) Enumeration (enum) function
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: 唐壮 | Hits:


Description: Turbo C 2.0包含了一个比Basic语言绘画更强的绘图函数库.它支持微机CGA EGA VGA等多种图形适配器的各种图形模式,提供了绘制各种图形,输出各种字体的图形库函数,并具有丰富的对图形进行着色,填充的功能。在图形程序及软件的编制与开发中,Turbo C绘图已越来越受到广大用户的青睐-Turbo C 2.0 includes a painting than Basic language stronger graphics libraries. It supports Computer CGA EGA VGA graphics adapter and other various graphics mode, the various graphics rendering, output various fonts graphics library functions, and rich graphics rendering, filling functions. The graphics procedures and the preparation and software development, Turbo C has been increasingly drawing the majority of users favor
Platform: | Size: 6799360 | Author: 夺夺 | Hits:


Description: 代码简介或代码解析: 《Visual C++Turbo C串口通信编程实践》配套代码 [涉及平台] VC++/TC [作者] void [文件大小] 565KB [更新日期] 2005-10-25 22:32:00 本代码来自CZVC编程网: HTTP://WWW.CZVC.COM -code or code analysis : "Visual C Turbo C serial communication programming practice" complementary code [involving platform] VC/TC [for ] void [File Size : 565KB [updated] 2005-10-25 22:32 : 00 CZVC programming code from the net : HTTP :// WWW.CZVC.COM
Platform: | Size: 579584 | Author: stone | Hits:


Description: 电子书:《Visual C++_Turbo C串口通信编程实践》,PDG格式,给做串口的朋友参考-E-book:
Platform: | Size: 8965120 | Author: 邹超群 | Hits:


Description: 目录 第一章 C语言概述 第二章 C的基本数据类型及运算 第三章 C程序设计初步 第四章 分支结构的C程序设计 第五章 循环结构的C程序设计 第六章 数组 第七章 函数及变量存贮类型 第八章 指针 第九章 结构体和共用体 第十章 文件 第十一章 Turbo C 2.0的使用 及调试技术 第十二章 C与C++
Platform: | Size: 12131328 | Author: mingfei | Hits:


Description: Turbo C提供了非常丰富的图形函数, 所有图形函数的原型均在graphics. h中, 本节主要介绍图形模式的初始化、独立图形程序的建立、基本图形功能、图形窗口以及图形模式下的文本输出等函数。另外, 使用图形函数时要确保有显示器图形驱动程序*BGI, 同时将集成开发环境Options/Linker中的Graphics lib选为on, 只有这样才能保证正确使用图形函数。-Turbo C provides a very rich graphical functions, all the graphics functions of the prototype are in graphics. H in, this section focuses on the initialization of graphics mode, the establishment of an independent graphics program, the basic graphics functions, graphics window, as well as graphics mode text output and other functions. In addition, when using the graphics function is to ensure that display graphics drivers* BGI, while Integrated Development Environment Options/Linker in the Graphics lib voted on, the only way to ensure the proper use of graphics functions.
Platform: | Size: 100352 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL programturbo-c--firework

Description: turbo c 编写的,随机烟花的动画效果,大小,颜色自己调整。-turbo c writing, and random fireworks animation, size, color, make their own adjustments.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: jamin | Hits:

[Other Riddle gamesDOS经典游戏digger源代码(Turbo C编译运行)

Description: DOS下的经典游戏digger源代码,可用Turbo C 2.0编译运行。
Platform: | Size: 178187 | Author: shitshit | Hits:

[Windows Developturbo c

Description: turbo c 2.0 的编译器 Turbo C实用高级编程技巧 实用教程的几个示例源码(Compiler for Turbo C 2 Practical advanced programming skills for Turbo C Several examples of practical tutorials source code)
Platform: | Size: 27289600 | Author: wzyzcgy | Hits:
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